niedziela, 28 lutego 2016

Winners of 02/16 Moon Raffle

3rd place and 8 000 gold goes to...

@Yolander with ticket number #198!

2nd place and 20 000 gold goes to...

@Trando with ticket number #296!

1st place and 48 000 gold goes to...

@cyanideinject with ticket number #43!

(Also, in the special draw, @Ayleen1412 won a crafing motif book: Primal!)

Congratulations to the winners and everyone who attended this Moon Raffle! Special thanks go to @cyanideinject and thanks to here generosity she gave half of her award back to the guild bank for further contests! We have broken the record of sales with 160 tickets sold that made the prize pool worth of 80 000 gold! Everyone will get a little gift from the Alpha for participating in the lottery, just let me (@onslo86) know what do you want and we will see what we can do about it.

The next Moon Raffle week starts 20.03.2016, and this one will be special - Crafting Moon Raffle!