

Who are you?

Bloodmoon Tribe is a guild of werewolves founded in 02/08/2015 by @Onslo86, who most of you know as Helseth Sarethi. It started like almost every guild in MMO's – seeking individuals with whom you can play with. The twist is, even if not original, that this guild recruits people who share the same passion: being a werewolf. Within a year, The Tribe grew and gathered many players from across the globe. Like every guild, we had our ups and downs, yet everytime we learned a valuable lesson from our fails and victories and we always use that knowledge to make our guild the best place for the bestial followers of Hircine.

What do you do?

We have decided that we will not be closed only to one form of gameplay, and thus we percieve ourselves as a werewolf hub, where players meet and play however they want – be it PvP, PvE or Role-Play.

There is a weekly cycle of events called the Grand Events, in which we either host a PvP/PvE event (Eternal Hunt), a Roleplaying one (The Gathering) or a social meeting (The Moot).

In Eternal Hunt players meet and depending on the number of participants we either choose to visit Cyrodiil and it's Imperial City, or to perform dungeon runs, Dragonstar Arena and Craglorn events, or host a Trial.

In The Gathering players participate in one of the ongoing storylines, hosted by one of the experienced members of the Tribe. Role-Play elements include what is to be a werewolf and its spiritual side, the connection of the Gift of Hircine with it's followers and many more. There is of course lots of fights and adventures along the way. This is a werewolf guild, you know. Think of Werewolf: the Forsaken as the best example of how we like to play it here.

In The Moot members of the Tribe meet in a special location in Stonefalls to discuss matters concerning the Tribe. Be it some new gameplay changes that affect the guild somehow, questions regarding rules, new initiatives or just having a friendly banter. Many of the decisions that deeply affect the guild are done with the approving or disapproving voice of the members. Everyone has a chance to speak their mind and ever officery of the guild, including the guildmaster, is there to hear them out.

There are also smaller events such as a lottery with various prizes, racing, or duelling tournaments. We do not dedicate ourselves only to the above mentioned Grand Events.

What's your story?

Long story short – The Tribe believes that the end of an era is close at hand, and is preparing for Hircine's arrival as the Bloodmoon Prophecies have told. They believe that only one pack will be allowed in the Great Hunt and they want to do everything to impress the Huntsman. They believe that if they gather ancient idols, known as totems of the Firstborn, they will be able to succeed in their goal and be deemed worthy to hunt alongside the Daedric Prince.

At least that was the initial plan, and things have changed a lot since. Just click on the LINK and see the (almost) complete story.

We are not afraid of using the lack of lore regarding the shapeshifters to fit our own story. Most of the story is checked in terms of being lore-friendly, thanks to the efforts of players who have an extended knowledge regarding the Elder Scrolls universe.

What's so special about you?

Well, we are aware that our idea of a werewolf guild is not an original one, but instead of forcing ourselves to be original, we are honing our werewolf theme as much and as best as we can. Even though we have a structure and ranking system, we consider ourselves more like a family or... a tribe, than a organisation or military group. Hence we often call ourselves brothers and sisters, or just “The Family”. We're here to help and everyone who decides to join us is welcomed, as long as he follows a few simple rules and has a good attitude.

How many are you?

At the moment as this text is written – 97. At it's peak we had over 120 players. About every 3 months we kick from 10 to 20 of the long-gone members in order to stay fresh and do not brag about false numbers.

What is required to join your guild?

We are always open to new members, regardless of nationality, age, sex, race and Alliance. All you need to do is to answer these five simple questions:

  1. Are you a werewolf?
  2. What style of game do you prefer - PVP, PVE or RP?
  3. Would you consider Bloodmoon Tribe as your main guild if you'd like what we have to offer?
  4. Will you help us build an active and growing community?
  5. Can you attend to the events?

These questions will determine to see if you are a fitting character that will help the Tribe grow, or if we think that it's best to walk different paths. The most important question is – are you a werewolf, due to our guild policy to have a least one character that is a werewolf. If you aren't, fear not, for we will help you and send you someone to become one of us.


In Bloodmoon Tribe there are 6 ranks that champion can achive.

Alpha – a.ka, Tribe Chief or Pack Leader – this is position can only be held by one person in the Tribe. The role of Bloodmoon Leader can be achived only two ways and everytime The great Huntsman himself must approve. First way is the death of previous Alpha. The gathering of tribe's elders must approve a new Leader or the Tribe Champion challenges the Chief and wins. Pack Leader must be aware for most of his times, as the enemies of Bloodmoon Tribe lurk everywhere, even within the tribe itself. His solemn duty is to prepare his tribe-kin for the upcoming Great Hunt.

As of now this person is Helseth Sarethi, who managed to hold his position either by persuasion, bribe or sheer force. Using all available resoruces, he has struck many deals to keep his brothers and sisters united under his rule. He knows, that leading a whole tribe of werewolves is tough, but he considers recovering the Firstborn Pack's legacy as his ultimate goal.

Venerated Elder – these seasoned veterans are the advisors to the Pack Leader and part of ruling body of the Tribe. Each Elder has got a distinctive title that describes his role within the Tribe. One of the Elders can aslo take the title known as Tribe Champion. Although temporary, but being chosen as a champion means that one of the Elders can rule in abscene of their Alpha.

Sacred Hunter – sometimes amongst the Blood Siblings rises a werewolf, whose deeds are above those averages. They are the vanguard of Blood Hunts, field leaders during battles and enforces of their Alpha and Venerated Elders. They are called the Sacred Hunters, for they dedication to the Tribe is uncanny, bringing both inspiration and envy among Blood Sibilngs and Young Howlers.

Blood Sibling – after proving themselves as Young Howler, it's natural to rise from the young and ambitious to the dedicated to the Tribe kinsman. Having thier claws and teeth soaked in blood of Triebe's enemies, they have shown their dedication to Tribe As the natural selection chooses the fittest, Blood Siblings are prime exmplar of this rule.

Young Howler – first step for every werewolf tithin the Tribe is to role of Young Howler. These gifted childern of Hircine must prove themselves in order to be fully acknowledge as a full time members of Bloodmoon Tribe. Many take on dangerous missions and hunts to prove themselves in the eyes of Pack Leader, Venerated Elders and Sacred Hunters. Many fail, yet ones who endure, become worthy.