środa, 27 września 2017

GREAT HUNT: Hide 'n' Sniff

Hello Tribe! Time for another game that will be hosted during the GREAT HUNT! For the first time, introducing: Hide 'n' Sniff - a game of hide and seek among the werewolves! Some may say it's "unwerewolfish" (shh, I just invented this word :P) but it is not! This game is all about patience and patient hunter always gets his prey!

  • There will be two teams: Predators and Prey
  • Team Predator must find all members of team Prey in order to win before the timer runs out.
  • Next comes the second round and the teams are switching, so team Predator becomes team Prey and vice versa.
  • The fastest of the Predator teams wins the contest and wins! Prizes included!

  • The game will take place in a specific area that you can't leave. Leaving the designated area means a player is disqualified and will not be the part of the round anymore.
  • The game will take place in the overworld area, so you can't enter any loading area's (such as delves or Outlaw's Refugee). You can hide inside homes, unless as stated they will find
  • Team Prey will always group with the host of the GREAT HUNT, so he can see where are the players hiding.
  • Constantly breaking the rules will get a player kicked out of the event and if, necessary, from the Tribe. Have some sportmanship!

Hide 'n' Sniff will be part of the GREAT HUNT event starting at 14:00 (UK)/ 15:00 (EU)! Bring your tabards and show your support for our guild (and reserve few hours of your life to fully experience it)!