Tribe and welcome to another Role-Play event which is the Gathering!
This time the Tribe takes it slowly and gets acusstomed to the new look
of their home, the Hidden Court. And by slow I mean a little bit of
"tavern" talks:
the new outlook of their home, the pocket realm of Hidden Court, the
Tribe comes in and out seeing and things are coming back to normal. With
Helseth and Galos away, the Elders take control of the headquarters. A
fine song, a pint of mug and the joy of companionship - the brutal lives
of werewolves are far away for many of the Brothers and Sisters once
they enter the Court."
Join us for "tavern" Role Play this Saturday the 19th! We start at
18:00 (UK)/19:00 (EU) time! We meet at our HQ!