wtorek, 16 maja 2017

The Gathering: Eboneye, Ebonheart

Beaten, battered... and broken?
Greetings Tribe! This week is RP Grand Event, the Gathering, so let's see what is store for players!

"Kotathix, Ayleen  
or anyone who can lead the Tribe,

Now I know that Helseth and Arvamea have left for Necrom to sort out some business of the Tribe, but I just received word from a very good source about your missing orc assassin. According to my asset, a one-eyed old orc with signs of skin burns was transported from Vivec City to Ebonheart. From there, the trail disappears, but it seems they moved him. Now, this occured about three weeks ago, so they have a heads up - and who knows if your friend is still alive. So I advise meeting with me as soon as possible. I have an idea, I'll be waiting in Ebonheart main square. I'm not that easy to miss.


Join the quirky orcess bard and help the Tribe free one of their key agents! We meet this Saturday at 18:00 (UK)/19:00 EU at the main entrance of the Ebonheart city!