niedziela, 30 października 2016

The Ebon Fang Tournament Warrior Draw is moved to 06/11/16

Warriors! With a heavy heart, I must announce that the Ebon Fang Tournament is being moved to next week's Sunday, same time, just different date. There are many reasons why, but the main reason is that there were only 5 contestants by today who paid the entry fee and I know there are still few who want to join. So, we're moving it onto next Sunday and 'were going to see if it's going to be a good idea or not.

To all who don't know - Ebon Fang Tournament is our own first duelling event in which players compete in a elimination ladder, where the winner of the ladder gets 30 000 gold in cash, a special rank of Ebon Fang and a chance to fight the alpha himself to earn extra 20 000 gold and have the rank of Alpha Fang. The entry fee is 2 000 gold, and it's really nothing compared to kicking ass in werewolf forms and having a chance to show who is the top dog among the Tribe's warriors!