poniedziałek, 12 października 2015

Ten (Thousand) Strong & Blutmond Stamm

I wanted to thank everybody who attended in yesterday's Blood Hunt. There was only ten of us but did manage to mess the Daggerfall and Aldmeri up! Firstly we managed to win back Kingscrest Keep and hold it from our enemies. Secondly, our sieges were efficent (or annoying) enough to win an outpost and annoy DC with our Dragonclaw Keep sieges. Also, all the Young Holwers who were with us during sieges got promoted to Blood Siblings. The whole gallery can be seen HERE

Now, the other part of the news.

Many of our brothers and sisters are german but not all of them  fully understands english. In order to help them be more active, Methoven has formed an guild inside our guild, Blutmond Stamm, to help our friends be more active on a daily basis. Blutmond Stamm is a guild that will translate all of our Messages of the Day and other important info. To join, you must be member of Bloodmoon Tribe, and if you decided to leave The Tribe, you will be kicked (forced to leave ) den Stamm aswell. Think of it as our german division of our guild :)

And finally, Thanks to this initiative, Methoven has been promoted to Venerated Elder inside Bloodmoon Tribe. Congratulations!