brothers and siters of the Tribe! Im sure you are busy, but please take
a moment of your time to read this. It's been a whole year when I wrote
a small summary of our guild. Did something changed since
then? Plenty!
Now I'm sure you know I've already spoke about
these things before,
twice. We've been around for over 2 years now and there's no sign of us slowing down. With Homestead came our HQ, even two with Morrowind addition to ESO (and likely, someday we'll have a thrid and a fourth one :) ). At one moment we had about 135 guild members in our roster which was our new record, showing that we're growing, even when we "purge" our ranks every 3 months or so. Special anniversary events, like Great Hunt and Ebon Fang Tournament (Congratulations to
@Kyeno for winning this year's edition!) returned for the second time and it seems we've established a somewhat guild traditions I consider it a good thing, while your Elders and Alpha think of new ways to bring more fun and joy to the guild with unusual events.
2017 was also the year where we achived a goal I really wanted and mentioned it in the last year "What the future brings" - Trials! We've done them! Plenty times! Few as a "almost only werewolves" and few withouth this restircitions. In PvP we maintained a healthy amount of time, where we showed our enemies the power if the Bloodmoon, and ventured as a guild into the Imperial City Sewers to face the avatar of Molag Bal (and your Alpha getting the Emperor title in the PvP as well - yes I have to brag about it from time to time xD) Finally, we have 2 new Elders who joined us this year: WMH and Tirps!
Yet there were some downsides too, especially visible after the Great Hunt. In short, our guild's playerbase was mostly inactive - resulting even in putting our RP events on hold due to lack of interest. As the guildmaster I take this as a personal failure to uphold the 3 Grand Events we have been doing since we've started. To be fair, there's nothing Elders and I can do about so the only solution to fix this is to ask you people to pop in whenever you have the time :)
Our goals are quite clear for 2018 - expand the guild as always! Have more reccuring non-Grand Events (Yes I know, Moon Raffle and Tribe Teaching). Improve our PvE on normal but also I dream of doing a full, BMT vet Trial, because why not!?
In general I wish that we all are going to have fun throught the whole year - that's what it brought us together, yes? :)
Here's to the future!
Let 2018 be the best one yet! |