Money can't buy you hapiness, but it can buy you a house, furniture and sets :) |
Here. Comes. The MONEY!
First off, thanks to everyone who attended the Huntsman's Feast 2017! It was great and we managed to have 10 persons attending the event, twice that of HF2016 :) See you next year!
And now, let's continue:
MOON RAFFLE is back! After a very long time, our lottery event is back and is better than ever! Prepare your gold, ready your tickets and prepare to have fun and excitement! Not to mention the Homestead going to be released in early February :)
The rules are easy - the more people play, the bigger the prize pool gets. Each of the players can purchase up to 20 tickets (500g each). He can also buy tickets for anyone, but it can't exceed the ticket cap of 20. When you buy a ticket, you receive a special number, which will be important when we start the lottery. So each ticket bought you gets you a ticket number.
The winner gets 60% of all tickets, second place takes 25% and the third place gets the 10%. So, the more tickets are bought, the bigger prize pool. Also, everyone who will participate in the lottery will get a little something - either crafted by me, Arvamea or from the guild bank. Donating money into our guild account is the best way to get your tickets, altough you can also send it to me via ingame mail.
There will be also additional prizes for the winners. 1st place will get a crafted item x 3 with Stalhrim Frostcaster crown motif. 2nd place will get the same but x2 Stalhrim Frostcaster items and 3rd will get one Frostcaster item.
Every time you purchase a ticket, you will get a generated number - so this time when you buy 10 tickets you won't get numbers #1, #2 #3 etc, but something like #11, #2, #66 etc.
The Raffle will end on Sunday, 29th of January at 18:00 (UK)/19:00 (EU). Good luck!
The guaranteed prize pool is 50 000 but the lottery won't start, if we sell less than 40 tickets and/or less than 6 people will play. Again, the more tickets sold and more guild members joining in the game will increase.