The Realm of Mad Architect awaits |
We return to RP events and we continue the Beautiful Storm Saga! This time, a the enigmatic Fatebinder finally calls the wolves of the Bloodmoon to help.
Two things. I managed decypher the journal from that Runa lass. There were some interesting things in most important of them were the possible locations of the Briidsomething's wereabouts. According to the records, most of them lead up to Wrothgar. But interesting enough, in hte last entries there were also reports of the some of that wolfmeat scumbag followers were gathering in Craglorn. My guess? They are looking for something there, but it's just a guess.
Also, Red was researching some info about "The First Heretic" a Ashalander/early Temple story of some sort for Helseth. According to her, some of it's fragments were stored in a place called the Hall of Justice in Vivec City. It dosen't specify what it is all about, so I'm guessing there has to be either a second journal of it might've been some correspondence between them we don't know about. But as far as I understand it's not relevant to the whole Storm Lord thing.
Second thing: the Galos fella, delivered a message to the Manor, though he wasn't happy to see me (I wonder why) and left you a message: "It is time. Fatebinder calls." Whoever that Fatebinder fella is.
My suggestion: I'll snoop around Wrothgar and see what I can find more. Arvamea caught up on me and she took dibs on Craglorn case. From what I understand, this Fatebinder case is quite important.
Your truly,
PS. I left you this message in case you will be here and I'll be doing stuff for the Tribe.
PS #2. You still owe that dinner."
This Saturday at 17:00 (UK)/18:00 (Euro) We meet in the Hollow City in the realm of Coldharbour! Unfortuneatly, there will be a limit for three players only as this RP event will be held in a 4-player dungeon. Acting Alpha (Ayleen) and Venerated Elders of the Tribe will have prirority in this event - but all others are welcomed to stay around the Old Manor and await return of the three wolves (probably about 1 hour later)!