What Alpha is planning?
Yes, the Alpha is back! So without further waiting, let's get back to
where we left - the Gathering is near, so we continue our RP narrative
storyline known as “The Beautiful Storm”! The hype is building as this
mid-season (sort of, at least) finale comes to a... deathly conclusion.
What happens to Helseth? What about Arvamea? Or Runa? And where in
Oblivion is Briidrunstrun? The Dance of Death may find the answers you
were looking for... or invoke more questions.
all brothers and sisters you see worthy and direct them to the tavern
of the Fish Stink in the dockyards of Davon's Watch. By Helseth's
orders. I don't know why he wants to meet us in that awful place but I
know where we might be going. A few nights ago I was writing reports
about our activity within the Ebonheart Pact's borders. It's... not as
effective as I want it, but given the circumstances I'm doing my best.
Anyway, one night... the Alpha approaches me, and drops some kind of a
violet, vibrant crystal and a bunch of scrolls off. He barely looks at
me and slowly says: "Gather the Tribe, near the Fish Stink in Davon's
Watch. We're going to visit a place called... Soul Cairn". I guess it's
finally time to save Arvamea, but I have doubts. It’s because of... our
Alpha. Have you seen him lately? He barely speaks, always wears his
helmet like he wants to hide conceal his anger and that cold chill I get
down my spine every time he speaks or moves... By Hircine, I swear, it
feels like it's not him anymore. We must proceed with caution - if we
have to save his Mistress to calm him down, so be it. But let's not walk
in to some kind of trap. I only hope that saving her will restore our
Alpha to his former glory.
May the path of the hunter guide you,
Helseth is mad about Kotathix, and broke a table in two with his fist,
after reading some sort letter from him. Whatever it was, it clearly did
upset him so I only hope Kota made some amends for what he did."
To see the next chapter of The Beautiful Storm, meet us at the Fish Stink, this Saturday (yes again) at 18:00 (UK)/19:00 (Euro)!