środa, 27 kwietnia 2016
Moon Raffle: Breaking the Law
Good day brothers and sisters of the Tribe! It is time to reveal our last set of this Moon Raffle, and let's just leave it with something very special. So, when you want to be a total badass who's looking for fight, break the rules and look more fabolous then Walks-Softly, then this set is for you!
Breaking the law, breaking the law, breaking the law, breaking the law, breaking the law, breaking the law, breaking the law, breaking the law! (A Judas Priest song :P)
x1 Outlaw Belts
x1 Outlaw Boots
x1 Outlaw Chests
x1 Outlaw Gloves
x1 Outlaw Legs
x1 Outlaw Shoulders
Estimated value: 84 000 gold
The Moon Raffle is on! This Saturday at 18:00 (UK)/19:00(Euro) there will be a lottery composing of 250 000 gold worth of motives, food provisioning, and even Steam keys! Get your tickets now (500g each) by depositing it to the guild's bank account or by sending it to me (@onslo86). THERE IS NO TICKET LIMIT - Buy how many you want and support our guild!
wtorek, 26 kwietnia 2016
(NEW AND IMPROVED) Blood Hunt of 29/04/16
Hello guys, It's your Alpha here. It's high time to make some changes to our PvP event, since we haven't done a single one... this year. Yes, for almost 5 months our Blood Hunts were... non-existant. As you may have noticed or heard, at our last Moot, we started doing some changes to our 3 weekly grand events rotation, turning it into a 4 week rotation. Now we have this set of events: the Gathering (Role-Play), the Moot (social), the Gathering (Role-Play) and Blood Hunt (PvP). It is due to the fact that YOU - dear brothers and sisters of the Tribe - have decided through your actions that the current state of PvP is no-go. And we, the leaders of our small but awesome community, are here to make a change.
From now on (until further notice) Blood Hunt is now a PvP AND PvE grand event. So what does that mean? Simple - during Blood Hunt - we gather to do group activities – dungeons, Silver and Gold Pledges, Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, or even Trials if we get enough veteran level players! So be on the lookout this Friday at 18:00 (UK)/19:00 (Euro), because when the night falls and the moons are full - WE HUNT!"
The Moon Raffle is on! This Saturday at 18:00 (UK)/19:00(Euro) there will be a lottery composing of 250 000 gold worth of motives, food provisioning, and even Steam keys! Get your tickets now (500g each) by depositing it to the guild's bank account or by sending it to me (@onslo86). THERE IS NO TICKET LIMIT - Buy how many you want and support our guild!
niedziela, 24 kwietnia 2016
Moon Raffle draw moved to 30.04.16
Like the title says. I am sorry, but due to certain problems, I can't hold this week Moon Raffle draw, so I have decided to move to the last day of April - Saturday, 30.04.16 at 18:00 (UK)/19:00 (Euro). Again, I apologize, and I will make it up for you somehow (I always do!)
In case you are not aware - we hold Mega Moon Raffle this month. 5 sets worth of 250 000 gold are at steak - motifs, xp potions, even Steam game keys - everything is on the line! The
rules are easy - For every 500g you donate in the bank or send it to me (@onslo86) you get a ticket.
When you buy a ticket, you recive a special number, that will be
important when we will start the lottery. So each ticket bought you gets
you a ticket number. Everytime you purchase a ticket, you will get
a generated number - so this time when you buy 10 tickets you won't get
numbers #1, #2 #3 etc, but something like #11, #2, #66 etc.
4 of 5 unlocked sets are:
Feeling hungry? This set is for you:
5x Perfect Roe
5x Psijiic Ambrosia
Estimated value: ~50 000 gold
Set for all the crafters out there, enabling you to earn mentioned above achivements:
1x Barbaric Motif
1x Primal Motif
1x Ancient Elf Motif
1x Daedric Motif
All chapters of Merecenary Motif
Estimated value: ~30 000 gold
A real game bundle? You just give away Steam keys? Seriously? Let me check the games:
1x Duke Nukem 3D MEGATON Edition
1x Supreme Commander Gold
1x Titan Quest Gold
Estimaed value: Few quids
Sure they did cause the Planemeld and the ongoing crisis on Tamriel, but look at this majestic armor!
1x Imperial Motif
Esteemed value: 65 000 gold
Last set will be revealed on a later date - but I promise it will be awesome aswell! Remember, by playin Moon Raffle you support our guild!
czwartek, 21 kwietnia 2016
Moon Raffle: The Empire protects
Hello again Tribe! It's time to reveal our fourth set in the upcoming Moon Raffle! And what a set it is - it only composes of one item, but the item itself is worth it.
Sure they did cause the Planemeld and the ongoing crisis on Tamriel, but look at this majestic armor!
1x Imperial Motif
Esteemed value: 65 000 gold
The Moon Raffle is on! 250 000 gold worth of motifs, food provisioning, and even Steam keys! Get your tickets now (500g each) by depositing it to the guild's bank account or by sending it to me (@onslo86). THERE IS NO TICKET LIMIT - Buy how many you want!
środa, 20 kwietnia 2016
The Gathering: Memories remain
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Another request from the unexpected ally |
Greetings brothers and sisters of Tribe, both new and old alike! This week we have the RP meeting, which means there is a scenario cooking up for you. And there is one! Once again, @WerewolfMoonHunter (scenario) and @onslo86 (everything else) bring you: "Memories remain":
"While Helseth, Bloodmoon Tribe's Alpha, is away on his mission in Wrothgar, he left Venerated Elders in charge: his beloved Arvamea and trusted Kotathix. Everything is running smoothly, new blood joining the Tribe and the Old manor is busy as always. Then, a letter comes in:
"Esteemed Alpha,
I have another request and I'd like to call upon Bloodmoon Tribe to help. It is a delicate matter, but I'm sure you teeth and claws will be put in a good use.
Join us this Friday at 18:00 (UK)/ 19:00 (Euro) in the guild's HQ, the Old Manor in Eastmarch for RP!
The Moon Raffle is on! 250 000 gold worth of motifs, food provisioning, and even Steam keys! Get your tickets now (500g each) by depositing it to the guild's bank account or by sending it to me (@onslo86). THERE IS NO TICKET LIMIT - Buy how many you want!
niedziela, 17 kwietnia 2016
(Mega) Moon Raffle 04.16 - TICKETS ARE NOW ON SALE!
This time it's all about the rewards |
that time again. The guild's (MEGA) MOON RAFFLE! Prepare your gold, get ready
your tickets and prepare to have fun and excitment! (Also, it helps the
guild get some money :) )
rules are easy - For every 500g you donate in the bank or send it to me (@onslo86) you get a ticket.
When you buy a ticket, you recive a special number, that will be
important when we will start the lottery. So each ticket bought you gets
you a ticket number. Everytime you purchase a ticket, you will get
a generated number - so this time when you buy 10 tickets you won't get
numbers #1, #2 #3 etc, but something like #11, #2, #66 etc.
Usually there is a guaranteed price to win, but this time, we have something better in our mind. That's why we call this edition of oul lottery (MEGA) MOON RAFFLE - this time we got something special cooked for you. There is to win 5 sets of items, that everyone can try to win. For now, I'll show you the first three of them.
Feeling hungry? This set is for you:
5x Perfect Roe
5x Psijiic Ambrosia
Feeling hungry? This set is for you:
5x Perfect Roe
5x Psijiic Ambrosia
Estimated value: ~50 000 gold
Set for all the crafters out there, enabling you to earn mentioned above achivements:
1x Barbaric Motif
1x Primal Motif
1x Ancient Elf Motif
1x Daedric Motif
All chapters of Merecenary Motif
Estimated value: ~30 000 gold
A real game bundle? You just give away Steam keys? Seriously? Let me check the games:
1x Duke Nukem 3D MEGATON Edition
1x Supreme Commander Gold
1x Titan Quest Gold
Estimaed value: Few quids
Other two sets will be revealed during the week. So keep you eyes on the website, our Steam group and of course, our in-game guild page!
The Moon Raffle ends 24.04.2016 at 18:00 (UK)/19:00 (Euro), so get your tickets NOW!
This month we're taking back any limits for tickets you buy - BUY THEM AS MUCH AS YOU WANT!
wtorek, 12 kwietnia 2016
The Moot of 15/04/16
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Change is coming |
Greetings brothers and sisters of the Tribe! After the chilling previous post (also known as Purge number 3) it's time to go back to our normal, day-to-day posts about our awesome guild! speaking of awesomeness, a Moot is coming. Yep, the social event, in which we raise questions about our guild, propose new ideas, and talk in general about the state of the Tribe and get to known a little bit better with the fresh brothers and sisters who recently joined in. Also screenshots and group posing. During this Moot we will speak about upcoming changes to the PvP and RP events, discuss a little about a certain event that was moved to April, which is anticipated by some, who know what am I talking about. There will be some talk about the Book of Deeds too. And also, your proposals, are always welcomed and anticipated too, because I said it many times before - YOUR OPINION matters!
So, this Friday we meet at the... WHAT SORCERY IS THIS? Is it true? The Scrolls have foretold about this day! We are finally moving out from the old, small, and full of fresh players Indoril Manor aka Wolf Lounge (also it was destroyed during one of the RP's plays) into a new place, a daedric ruin for all the followers of Hircine to behold! We call this place the Hunter's Shrine! It is big, out in the open, with really nice view of west Stonefalls. There are also almost no players around, except those who want to venture into a nearby dungeon (Sheogorath's Tounge). Screenshots how to get there are below. You can always chose me from the guild roster, right-clikc and choose travel to player if you don't have that location discovered.
niedziela, 10 kwietnia 2016
Purge #3
It's that time again. Every now and then (roughly about 3 months) the Tribe is cleaning it's ranks from the most inactive players. Time to howl the loss of these ten souls who have lost their way and we hope that their slumber will someday be gone and they shall rejoin their brothers and sisters of Bloodmoon Tribe:
Next Purge will occur in the end of June/beggining of July. That is all for today.
czwartek, 7 kwietnia 2016
Book of Deeds: Enemies Within, epilogue
Greetings brothers and sisters of the Tribe! It's time for another Book of Deeds chapter written by @onslo86 and proof-read by @beastsaur66. After the shocking return, Helseth finally reveals to everyone what exactly happened. As he said it later: No more lies. Not after this. So sit back and read (HERE) what drove Helseth to masterplan the whole series of events that made not only Bloodmoon Tribe stronger, but also free of the Sacred Grove's corruption.
After this chapter we are only one more to catch up with the current storyline! Or, if you want to join the Book of Deeds, how about you turn up for this Friday's RP event - the Gathering: Unexpected Ally! We start at 18:00 (UK) / 19:00 (Euro) Everybody is free to join!
wtorek, 5 kwietnia 2016
The Gathering: Unexpected Ally
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A friend or a foe? |
Greetings Tribe-kin! After a brief pause, we resume the weekly Grand Events, and we're starting with The Gathering, our RP event! This time, Game Masters duo @WerewolfMoonHunter (scenario, starring as Garjon) and @Onslo86 (director, guest starring as NPC's) bring you "Unexpected Ally":
It was a very cold night even for Eastmarch climate, when Garjon approached Helseth, who was relaxing himself near the fireplace, along with Arvamea. According to him, one of the homless citizens of Riften gave him this letter that was adressed to the Alpha.
"To the person known as Alpha, esteemed leader of the so-called Bloodmoon Tribe,
My name is Bjord Black-Briar, son of Thorbald Black-Briar, thane of Riften, also known as "Black Axe" named by his comrades from Companions. Know that your actions have not gone unnoticed and I am impressed. You do know you have put whole Stonefalls on alert after that incident in Davon's Watch? Or recenlty when you entered the Lion's Den? My family is impressed and I'd like to offer you a business proposal. I'd like to explain it personally, so meet me this Fredas in the Riften's docks, behind the fishery. Plenty of space and none prying eyes of the common folk there. You do not want to reject an offer from a Black-Briar, do you? Besides, I promise it will be worth it. Kind regards."
Who is this Bjord? What does he want? How did he found out about the Tribe? Find out this Friday (08/04/16) at 18:00 (UK)/19:00 (Euro). We meet at the Old Manor near Windhelm! Adventure begins!
sobota, 2 kwietnia 2016
The Alpha('s broadband) returns!
Hello there brothers and sisters of the Tribe! Yes it is me - your Alpha - and I like to say big thank you for your kind words during my abscence. It's always good to hear that the job I'm doing is worth the effort! As I'm a little busy at the moment I'll be quick with this post. From this Sunday the Tribe resumes it's normal activities - Moots, Moon Raffles, Gatherings etc. Catch me tommorow afternoon - and maybe we will host a small social event through the guild chat - 'cause there are things to talk about!
This weeks Grand Event will be the Gathering and boy oh boy - WerewolfMoonHunter has got a story to tell you - but you will know more about that when the time is right.
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