środa, 30 grudnia 2015

Purge #2

We are starting a new year, and it's time to clean our ranks for the second time. We howl the loss of these 15 brothers and sisters and hope that someday they will wake up from their slumber and rejoin our family:


In other news, our long-time Venerated Elder @Governor_Bain has informed me that due to hisrecent inactivity he is resigning from his title. The TS3 server he host will remain unchanged. Bain has been one of the first guys who joined Bloodmoon Tribe and helped us kickstart the whole guild. He will remain as a Sacred Hunter. Therefore there's only 3 Elders or above in our guild - Me, @Methoven and @Ariana86. Hopefully, a new Venerated Elder will join us one day.

That's it for now - we will see you in 2016! A full year of new hunts and bloodshed!

czwartek, 24 grudnia 2015

What the future brings '16


Greetings brothers and sisters! It is a special night, and I'm sure you all are busy right now, but take a moment to read this. I'm feeling a little bit nostalgic at this time of year and it's time for some reflection on what have been, what is and what will be of Bloodmoon Tribe.

The Tribe has been formed 1st of August, 2015 by me, Helseth. The first person who joined the Tribe was of course Arvamea, Helseth's wife and my current fiancee in real life. The idea of the Tribe was to form a guild of werewolves that would be a hub for all werewolf characters out there. It was an ambitious task, but Rome wasn't built in one day. 4 months later I see our roster and I see a 90 brothers and sisters who joined the Tribe. Of course not all of them are active but it also means that at least a hundred people shared the guild's goal of being the centre of werewolf community, if not for a short period of time. I have never suspected that in four months I will manage to lead such a big guild of Hircine and werewolf lovers and meet so many new awesome people. But here we are, standing strong and not stopping for one bit. Weekly guild events (also known as Grand Events) newly formed Moon Raffle, and many more things that keep us going through 2015 to 2016. Yes, there were some bad times for the guild, yes some people wished bad things for me and the Tribe, but I didn't killed the guild. It made us stronger. And though we are a young guild, we keep evolving.

Things you might expect in near future:

Book of Deeds - our RP chronicle, so people new to the Tribe can catch up with the current situation. I've got some time off now, so it should be ready in the next week or two.

Huntsman Feast - a small social event that will be held on 09.01.2016. As the new year dawns, hunters meet and offer each other tokens and gifts, wishing for good year of hunting. It will be our version of "Christmas", so prepare gifts for your fellow brothers and sisters of the Tribe - not only ingame, but if you have something else to give out of ESO, than do it - a piece of art, a Steam Key, a movie, even a confession - it's up to you!

Moving the website - we are probably going to move our website to bigger and better suiting guild website. More info will be held on the next Moot.

The Purge - many of the Tribe's people have been gone and looks like they're not coming back. If they ever come back, than they will have a chance to join us again.

Last but not least - we are not performing any grand events up until 08/01/2016 due to Christmas, holidays, and sobering up after New Years Eve ;-)

Being the guild's Alpha, It's not an easy task - it's more like a second job. But thanks to people like you, you guys give me strenght and motivation to keep on going with the Tribe and make it better everyday. 

So, thank you for you help and it is my honor to lead you and Bloodmoon Tribe to glory and might!

Thank you guys for making this us most awesome Werewolf guild in ESO!

niedziela, 20 grudnia 2015

Moon Raffle of Evening Star'15 winners

Let's cut to the chase, shall we?

3rd place and 6 000 gold goes to...

@Beastsaur66 with lucky ticket number #19!

2nd place and 15 000 gold goes to...

@WerewolfMoonHunter with ticket number #61!

1st place and 40 000 gold goes to...

@Kamifisk with ticket number #73!

Congratulations to the winners and everyone who attended this Moon Raffle! Everyone will get a little gift from the Alpha for participating in the lottery, just let me (@onslo86) know what do you want and we will see what we can do about it.

The next Moon Raffle starts 17.01.2016!
Also, due to Christmas this week there will be no Grand Event.

poniedziałek, 14 grudnia 2015

The Gathering: Enemies Within, part 1

Hello brothers and sisters of the Tribe! It is my pleasure to annouce, that this week the RP department is being taken over by one of the Sacred Hunters of Bloodmoon Tribe: @WerewolfMoonHunter!

"Last meeting somebody tried to poison our brother- Garjon. Now he needs help in the investigation. We must discover who wanted kill our brother and why. Maybe he isn't the only target of the poisoner."

Anwser Garjon's call this Friday at 18:00 GMT/ 19:00 at the Wolf Lounge (Indroil Manor in Stonefalls). Do not tarry and support our Sacred Hunter in his quest!

Also, don't forget about our Moon Raffle! 60 000 gold prize pool (or more!), at least 40 k for 1st place, 15k for 2nd and 5k for 3rd. Be sure to buy your ticket(s)! 500g =1 ticket (max 10)! Gold can be donated via the Guild Bank or me personally (@onslo86) The Moon Raffle ends on 20/12/15, good luck!

niedziela, 6 grudnia 2015

Moon Raffle of Evening Star '15

As you know, our initial Moon Raffle was a huge succes. We've recived your feedback and it's time to make the Raffle something regular like our three initial Grand Events. So, from now on, the Moon Raffle will be a monthly event that will be held on every second Sunday of the month and will end on the third Sunday of the same month.

The rules are easy - the more people play, the bigger the prize pool gets. Each of the players can purchase up to 10 tickets (500g each). The winner gets 60% of all tickets, second place takes 25% and the third place gets the 10%. So, the more tickets are bought, the bigger prize pool. Also, everyone who will participate in the lottery will get a little something - either crafted by me, Arvamea or from the guild bank. Donating money into our guild account is the best way to get your tickets, altough you can also send it to me via ingame mail.

And so here we are. As I've written the new rules regarding our Moon Raffle, let's not forget that this is Evening Star, last month before new year. So why not kick off the new year and say goodbyes to the old one by a special lottery? How about this. 60 000 gold guaranteed prize pool. You read that correctly:
 60 000 gold prize pool

That means third place will win at least 6000 gold, second at least 15 000 gold and first place at least... 40 000 gold. If we manage to gather more than 60k gold from the lottery, the prizes will of course increase! So get your tickets ready, and celebrate the year's ending as we kick off the new year with a massive Moon Raffle! And remember, everyone who plays will get a little present. As of now, the Moon Raffle starts NOW and ends on 20.21.2015 at 5 pm (GMT)!

And let's not foget about our the Moot happening this Friday ;-)

sobota, 5 grudnia 2015

And the winner is...


Thank you all for playing in our initial Moon Raffle, we had sold 30 tickets over this week and recived fantastic response. But it's not over! Tune in tommorow for info regarding the next, bigger, better and improved version of our Moon Raffle!

wtorek, 1 grudnia 2015

Blood Hunt of 04/12/15



Fredas (Friday), 4th of Evening Star

Trueflame campaign

It's another weekend and this time, the Tribe goes to war in Cyrodiil! Preapre your fangs, sharpen your claws and get ready for fun! We will prowl through the Trueflame campaign, so get ready to go there when the time will be right! The Hunt begins at 17:00 GMT/18:00 CEST. The meeting point will be at the siege merchant in Northern Morrowind Gate. Be sure to join on our TS3 server (banterbury.antlerstfu.co.uk) so we can better communicate during the fights and to discuss our tactics.

Also, do not forget about our Moon Raffle, that's happening this Saturday. Purchase tickests for 500g each (max of 3) and you can win 15 000 gold. The more people will join the lottery, the bigger the prize pool!

Prepare your guild tabbard and let's earn glory out on the battelfield!